Baofeng uv-5r cheat sheet list based on PDF


Baofeng uv-5r cheat sheet is all about the channels programming. If you have been struggling to use it due to poor documentation then checkout the below given cheats or quick menu codes. So are you ready?

Well, the Baofeng UV-5R is an incredibly versatile two-way radio, offering both full VHF/UHF support and a wide range of features. It’s affordable price point makes it a great choice for hobbyists, first responders, emergency communications teams, and more.

To help get the most out of your UV-5R we’ve compiled this handy Baofeng uv-5r cheat sheet with some basic information about programming, features and operating procedures.

Baofeng uv-5r cheat sheet

Baofeng uv-5r Programming

The Baofeng UV-5R utilizes a computer programmable memory system that allows you to easily enter frequencies into channels. This can be done by using either the radio’s keypad or by downloading free software such as CHIRP or RT Systems.

Programming is the best way to get the most out of your radio and ensure that you’re always prepared for any situation. You can also import channels or frequencies directly from other radios using this feature and if you are interested to learn more about the Baofeng uv-5r Programming in detail, then we also have covered that!

Baofeng uv-5r Features

The Baofeng UV-5R has a wide range of features, including dual watch, emergency alert mode, built-in flashlight, VOX operation, DTMF encoding/decoding, priority scan and more. Many of these features can be accessed through one touch buttons or combinations of buttons on the keypad.

In addition to its many features, it also offers superior sound quality in both receive and transmit modes. The UV-5R also comes with a variety of scanning modes that allow you to find available frequencies quickly and easily.

It also includes VOX (voice operated transmission) capabilities, which enable you to transmit without pushing any buttons or using the mic – perfect if your hands are otherwise occupied.

Overall, the Baofeng UV-5R is a great option for anyone in need of reliable two-way radio capabilities. Its powerful transmission abilities and easy-to-use features make it an ideal choice for both casual and professional use. Whether you are looking for a way to stay in touch with friends while hiking or if you’re in need of emergency communication, the UV-5R is sure to meet your needs.

Baofeng uv-5r Operating Procedures

It’s important to know how to use your Baofeng UV-5R properly before operating it in any situation. Before transmitting, make sure to listen for any other signals and adjust your transmission power if necessary.

Pay close attention to the squelch setting, as it is important for proper operation of the radio. Additionally, always be aware of your surroundings and follow local regulations when using this device.

Baofeng uv-5r Cheat Sheet Menu Reference

This guide was originally written for the Baofeng UV-5R, but may work on other models as well. So far this has been confirmed to work on the following models. If you have a different model that you’ve been able to use with this cheat sheet, please let me know!

Commonly Used Menu Items

0 SQL RF Squelch
2 TXP Transmit power (Tap # to temporarily change power)
11 R-CTCS Receive CTCSS (PL)
13 T-CTCS Transmit CTCSS (PL)
25 SFT-D Repeater Shift Direction
26 OFFEST Repeater Offset (MHz)
27 MEM-CH Save to memory channel
28 DEL-CH Delete memory channel

WTF Menu Items

7 TDR Dual watch (monitor A and B at same time). May change the transmit side – be careful with TDR-AB setting*
34 TDR-AB Side for transmit after receiving a signal when TDR is on
9 TOT Limit transmission time to xx seconds
14 VOICE Voice confirmation of keypresses/menu selections. Choice of English, Chinese, or OFF
15 ANI-ID A coded signal that is sent when an “alarm” is activated. You probably don’t need this.
17 S-CODE Sends a DTMF code on transmit/end of transmit
19 PTT-ID Activates the DTMF code on transmit/end of transmit. Best left OFF.
20 PTT-LT Delay before sending PTT-ID
23 BCL Busy channel lockout – prevents transmitting when a channel is busy. (What is “busy”?)
32 AL-MOD Alarm mode.
35 STE Squelch Tail Elimination – squelches tail noise in simplex.
36 RP-STE Squelch Tail Elimination Repeater – squelches tail noise from a
repeater (i.e., the courtesy tone)
37 RPT-RL Squelch Tail Delay.
39 ROGER Sends an end-of-transmission tone after PTT release. Turn this OFF or you’ll annoy people quick.
40 RESET Resets all settings and erases memories.

Final Words

With these tips, you can now get the most out of your Baofeng UV-5R. Now go out and have some fun exploring the world of two-way radios! Make sure to always practice safe radio etiquette.

A little bit of knowledge about programming, features, and operating procedures you can get the most out of your Baofeng UV-5R two-way radio. With its affordable price point and wide range of features, it’s an ideal choice for beginners and experts alike!

If you have any questions about programming or operating your UV-5R don’t hesitate to contact customer service or reach out to experienced users online. As long as you stick to the basics, your radio will be ready for whatever situation you find yourself in! Good luck and happy transmissions!