Internet Connection Types and How They Work


You may think that the type of internet connection you get does not really matter but that is not true at all. This one decision can make a huge difference because the types of connections play a significant role when it comes to speed, reliability, and overall performance.

If you are shopping for an internet plan and do not know which one to go for, then sit back and relax because we are going to let you about the different types of internet connection and how they work.

Internet Connections

Internet Connection Types and How They Work

Satellite Internet

One of the most widely available web connections; the Satellite internet is a wireless internet in which a stream of signals radiates from satellites that are orbiting around the Earth, as a result, it reaches the house of the consumer. It does not require a proper infrastructure that has been ground-laid like other internet connection types. It uses a dish to connect with geostationary satellites. If you catch a view of the clear southern sky, then there is a pretty good chance that you will be able to find yourself a satellite internet provider in your area.

In order to have it set up, call your provider and ask them to install a satellite dish either on the roof or the sides facing south. They will make sure that there are no obstructions that could disrupt your internet connection.

Currently, the download speed of this internet connection ranges from 12 Mbps to 100 Mbps. However, providers like Starlink network are planning to increase the speeds so that it becomes a more go-to option for people who do not have access to any other options of web in their area.

Cable Internet Connection

Cable internet may not be as fast as fiber optic, yet it has multiple other perks that make it one of the favorites of internet users. One of such is its easy accessibility. This internet connection type is one of the most common types in the US. As a matter of fact, it is available to nearly 90% of the population around the country.

You can also take the advantage of bundle offers that come with cable internet. People are likely to bundle up their internet services with cable TV and home phone and this can be done easily when you have one of the services using coaxial cables.

As already mentioned, it does not offer the same internet speed as fiber-optic. However, cable internet is still considered one of the fastest internet connection types. You can get an internet plan of cable connection around the download speed of 940 Mbps.

Coaxial cables are somewhat vulnerable to slowed speeds during peak hours but the price it comes with is highly affordable and the connection is also not as big of an issue as one might think.

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

Digital subscriber line, more commonly known as DSL is more accessible than any other internet connection type, especially in the areas where you might find fiber-optic and cable internet, chances are that DSL would still be accessible even in those regions.

With this internet connection type, the internet runs through your phone lines. However, unlike dial-up, where the internet would simply disconnect if you got a call on your landline, DSL allows you to keep using the web without having to worry about the incoming calls.

DSL is ideal for people living in rural areas. It provides reliability, and of course, DSL being affordable is a major factor why people lean towards it. It can also be a lot cheaper than any other connection type, say; satellite internet. However, DSL does lag in speeds as compared to cable internet.

Fiber-Optic Internet Connection

There is absolutely no denying that fiber-optic is the best internet connection type. As we all have a pretty much good idea of fiber, let’s go over it to understand what it essentially means to have an internet connection of fiber. When an internet connection is delivered to your home using the fiber-optic cable that uses pulses of light along thin strands, or fibers of glass or plastic to transmit data, then the whole connection is called a fiber-optic internet connection.

Fiber-optic is highly reliable and the speed never fails to impress anyone who uses it for the first type. It is capable of delivering download speeds as fast as 2 gigabits. Sounds unbelievable, right? Well, it’s not because, with this internet connection type, you can experience the internet the way it is meant to be.

Although it can provide you with a download speed of up to 2000 megabits per second most of the plans offered by internet service providers with fiber optic internet include the download speed of around 1 gigabit (1000 Mbps). Moreover, the upload speed is also quite incredible and works perfectly for anyone who uses the internet for learning and work purposes.

The only disadvantage of fiber-optic internet is that it is not as readily available as other internet connection types are. In addition to this, fiber-optics used to be quite expensive but most of the providers have lowered their prices in recent years.

Summing Up…

Every consumer of the internet has their own preference when it comes to its connection type. It all depends on which one manages to fulfill your needs. If you are a heavy gamer and require blazing fast internet, then you will probably opt for fiber-optic. However, if speed is not your only concern of yours, then you might want to go for some other connection.

This is why we have laid out all the connections available around the country so you can have an excellent online experience.